Solutions: Wholesale Specialty
We offer a wide range of specialist products, all handled by our expert brokers who understand the risks that our clients face and how best to cover these risks, utilising the best security available.
We work tirelessly on our clients’ behalf to negotiate the optimum insurance coverage at the most competitive terms available, and where standard products don’t fit the bill we work with our clients and markets to find innovative solutions that do.
If you cannot find the right product to meet your risk profile in the list provided below do not hesitate to contact us; we will do what we can to find you the answer.

Accident and Health
We are specialists in the placing of insurance packages for companies operating in complex environments throughout the world. Our extensive experience and excellent relationship with insurers has made us a recognised market leader.
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Kaufman Europe specialise in bespoke insurance solutions for the construction industry, providing direct access to ‘A’ rated insurers in the Lloyd’s and London market, as well as global markets. Across our companies, our team of specialists have extensive experience across a broad spectrum of industry sectors, territories and risk, enabling us...
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Cyber risk is becoming so complex and has so many different meanings to world business that it is impossible to provide a one size fits all insurance product. This has led to difficulty in quantifying loss and for a buyer to understand the cyber product and what is covered.
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Environmental insurances specialises in providing tailored insurance solutions for the renewable energy industry. Our team of in-house experts provides a wide range of value-added broking and insurance services that deliver competitive advantage to brokers, contractors...
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High Risk Territories
Kaufman Europe, through our companies, have over twenty years experience as a specialist Lloyd's broker in arranging bespoke insurance solutions for companies and individuals operating in complex and hostile environments throughout the world.
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Kidnap & Ransom
Kidnap and Ransom is a real and growing threat in the modern business environment. Organisations that are most vulnerable to kidnapping are those that have employees based or traveling overseas, companies with high profiles, that handle large sums of money, or work with sensitive information or technologies are equally at risk.
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Livestock / Bloodstock
Our professional brokers have successfully supported a wide range of clients from Zoological Parks to Individual Farms on a Worldwide basis. As your broker we will negotiate the most competitive terms on your behalf in all major insurance markets.
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Political Violence / Terrorism
Our professional brokers have successfully supported a wide range of clients, on a Worldwide basis from major Industrial and Commercial Enterprises to Hotels and Hospitality risks. As your broker, we will negotiate the most competitive terms on your...
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Product Recall
Product Recall coverage can assist your clients to react and recover quickly if they need to recall a product because of fault or contamination. The policy covers expenses associated with recalling a product from the market including business interruption and third party financial loss.
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Professional Liability
We specialise in a wide range of Liability classes, have received industry awards for product innovation and are widely recognised for finding solutions for distressed or hard to place risks. We operate internationally with few geographical restrictions and work...
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Directors and Officers
D&O Insurance provides financial protection for past, current and future directors and officers in respect to defence costs, legal representation expenses, damages, settlements, crisis costs or public relations expenses relating to actual or alleged “wrongful acts” arising from the performance of their duties at their company.
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Property, Energy and Construction Liability
With a growing emphasis on renewable and “green” sources of energy, the insurance market is beginning to respond to customers’ demands for bespoke solutions.
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Residual Value Insurance
At Kaufman Europe, our specialists work with a wide range of clients to ensure that their Residual Value Insurance protects an agreed future value of an asset where the financing instrument does not fully pay-out at the expiry of the period.
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Treaty Reassurance
One size does not fit all. Ever-changing economic circumstances, worldwide and domestic loss scenarios require experienced flexible partners with the ability to be innovative. Treaty Reinsurance is the life blood of insurance. It allows the industry...
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